Another step into my Internet Gospel Ministry

12 Jul

Hey guys

Just wanted to share with u…another step of sharing the Gospel and how effective God can use internet for sharing the Gospel. Overtime I have been sharing the Gospel through my facebook and my recent engagements on twitter (@akakinda) and through my most recent invention my blog ( Yesterday an old friend of mine from NY, inboxed me on facebook asking me to talk about religion over Skype. Now had never used skype to share the Gospel…not at any one time but I agreed to go ahead and have the Skype call with him. He was christian but had almost turned atheist but I guess through the constant reading of my posts on facebook and the Word of God that was earlier planted in his life kept playing in His head. So I got to share with him a lot of scriptures as he had a lot of questions concerning life and God and how God works in our lives. We got cut off (cos my internet run out ) but I could sense he had started attaching meaning to life and was really looking forward to getting to know God. One specific thing I got to notice from our chat is that very many people who question Christianity do not know what it is actually and who the God we serve is but simply just oppose it without ever trying to find out what it is all about and as a result believe what everyone else says about Christianity but never read the Bible themselves to find out what it is all about or even never get in touch with a Christian to kind of find out what Christianity is so they can better decisions in their life. I am hoping to continue my chat with my friend from US with Faith that he will finally come back to Christ.

One big lesson I learn from this is that when we purpose for God to use our lives to serve Him and win souls for Him we do not need to worry where these people will come from. God will bring them to you, Himself. When I set out to share the Word of God online I had NEVER imagined any of my US friends who ever get in touch with to speak about God on Skype because typically I did not show any signs of being a Christian when I was living with these friends but I believe when we choose to be the salt and the light for our friends. They will certainly come to you seeking to know the God you serve who has made you a better person so they can also get close to Him.

Have a great day folks. Will keep you updates.

4 Responses to “Another step into my Internet Gospel Ministry”

  1. Ronald Kasendwa July 12, 2012 at 6:33 am #

    Hey Allan. Thanks for sharing your experience and updates about your Internet gospel ministry. GBU in your works

  2. Allen Nansubuga July 12, 2012 at 8:28 am #

    Preach, my brother, preach Jesus!!!! Kiyitirivu!!!

    Also sometimes we need more strategies of reaching those people friends who the Ugandan preaching( come to Jesus he will give you food, a car, a wife, a house) is not applicable to them — But need to believe God coz he is their creator and they mush worship only him and serve him. Romans 1:18-20 reveals that there is no atheist person.

    A ministry school/course like ISOM ( is great place to get the training. It’s 5 trimesters for a Diploma (200,000/=) and 3 trimesters for a Certificate (120,000/=). Myself I am in my homestretch to the Diploma. Let me know so I can connect you to the Deans. GBU

  3. Rebeca Nakato July 12, 2012 at 9:32 am #

    Wow! This is so inspiring. God bless u.

  4. akakinda July 12, 2012 at 9:35 am #

    Awesome. All the glory goes back to God. He is the one doing the work and I am just a vessel. Just finished my second discipleship class and using most of the knowledge I am learning to be a blessing to others. It would certainly be good to take a diploma in ministry. Will contact you Allen when I am ready to take the course.

    God bless u all for the comments and words of encouragement.

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